

Our Policy

Protecting the environment is integral to how we manage our business and is embedded in our decision-making. Creating a more sustainable future for succeeding generations is the responsibility of us all. Our Environmental Sustainability Policy guides outlines our commitment to environmental stewardship and the steps in place to achieve this.

At Sejuiced, we strive to minimise the impact on the environment from our operations, to promote good sustainability practice and to help our clients to do the same. To meet our environmental commitment we:

  • Reduce our consumption of natural resources, including fossil fuels and water
  • Encourage sustainable travel practices for both business travel and drinks deliveries by grouping logistics (to minimise mileage and avoid multiple trips)
  • Minimise our waste production by using materials sparingly
  • Consider sustainability in the procurement of goods and services, particularly as concerns minimising use of “virgin” plastic packaging and printed materials
  • Source ingredients locally as a preference
  • Pro-actively innovate services that enable better environmental management amongst our client base by offering an alternative to single use plastic, encouraging local procurement and reducing waste
  • Reduce surplus food in our operations through careful purchasing and by donating spare ingredients to local charities and food banks that feed the hungry
  • Use non-toxic products in our housekeeping as a preference where food hygiene regulations permit
  • Comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice